
2024-2025 SIJHSAA  BY LAWS

These By Laws relate only to 7th grade teams, 8th grade teams, and
their personnel. We have no jurisdiction concerning
6th grade competition and below.

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(Click on Article link below to quickly jump to it)

Article I: Eligibility

Article XX: Tournament & Meet Expenses

Article II: Eligibility Verification

Article XXI: Trophies and Awards

Article III: Cooperative Teams

Article XXII: Regional & State Admission Fees

Article IV: Contests

Article XXIII: Baseball and Softball

Article V: Physical Examinations

Article XXV: Baseball Playing Regulations

Article VI: Protests

Article XXVI: Softball Playing Regulations

Article VII: Forfeits

Article XXVII: Cross Country

Article VIII: Sportsmanship

Article XXVIII: Basketball (Boys & Girls)

Article IX: Penalties for Rules Violations

Article XXIX: Basketball Rules (Boys & Girls)

Article X: Teacher Strikes

Article XXX: Cheerleaders

Article XI: Enacting and Amending By-Laws

Article XXXI: Girls' Volleyball

Article XII: Class System

Article XXXII: Track & Field (Boys & Girls)

Article XIII: Annual Dues and Fees

Article XXXIII: Order of Events and Qualifying

Article XIV: Injury Policy's

Article XXXIV: Records

Article XV: Beginning Dates (Regional/State)

Article XXXV: Scoring

Article XVI: Rules and Regulations of Play

Article XXXVI: Track Regulations

Article XVII: Regional Tournament Drawings

Article XXXVII: Bowling Regulations

Article XVIII: Regional Tourney Organizers

Article XXXVIII: Policy

Article XIX: State Tournament Drawings

Article XXXIX: Golf (Boys & Girls)


Directory Of State Organizers

Section 1. ENROLLMENT:
In order to become eligible to compete in the SIJHSAA sporting events, a student shall have enrolled full time as a K-8 student in a member school within the district in which they reside and must be approved by the member school.

a. Any SIJHSAA student who becomes 16 years old prior to the scheduled State Finals in a given sport, shall be ineligible to compete in that sport. (State Finals means the first date of the State Tournament or Meet - not the regional)

b. SIJHSAA students who become 15 years old prior to the scheduled State Finals in a given sport, shall be ineligible for 7th grade contests in that sport and for all other sports for the remainder of the school year.

Section 3.  ACADEMICS:
a. A student shall be doing work sufficient for promotion.

b. A student may participate in only one (1) SIJHSAA State Series per sport per school year and/or at the same grade level.

c. Any student who is repeating a year's work, or a portion of a year’s work, is ineligible for all SIJHSAA sports during that time frame.

Section 4.  IDENTITY:
A student shall always have competed under his/her own name.  Each regional school shall turn in an eligibility form to the regional host prior to the beginning of each state series and the eligibility for shall not be changed during the state series for that sport.

Section 5.  RESIDENCE:
a. WHERE PARENTS LIVE: Assuming a student meets all other SIJHSAA eligibility criteria,  a  student shall be eligible if he/she attends the member school district in which his/her parents or the person who has legal custody of the child resides.  In the event of joint custody, the student shall be eligible at the member school district in which the parent having primary custody of the child resides.

b.  WHERE PARENTS WORK: Students who live with their parents in one school district, and whose parent(s) is employed as a full time certified employee (teacher or administration), non-certified employees (who work at least 7 hours a day),  in a member school in another district, are eligible in the district in which the parent(s) work PROVIDED:  The school has an ISBE 5 year Waiver on file, an ISBE Transfer Form is signed off by both schools, and an SIJHSAA Certified Employee Waiver Form is completed and signed by the parent and school administrator of the receiving school.  All of the above-mentioned forms must be completed and filed in the receiving school's Superintendent or designee's office no later than July 1, with one exception which is:  The deadline for new hires is September 1.  This process does not have to be repeated in ensued years for the same student(s).

c. BOUNDARY CHANGES: Students affected by school boundary changes through annexation or detachment decertification will be permitted a one-time choice of districts in which they wish to attend. Whichever choice is made, said student(s) will be permitted to retain eligibility in that school for the balance of their junior high school careers, provided they are junior high students at the time of the boundary change.

d. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL BOUNDARIES: In regard to transfer students, the boundaries for an individual private or parochial school shall be the boundaries of the public school district within whose boundaries the private/parochial school is actually located. This allows the same guidelines to be used in connection with all transfer students in regard to school boundaries, whether public or parochial.

e. UNIT DISTRICTS: In school districts where more than one graded attendance center is maintained, a student shall be eligible at the attendance center that serves his/her area.  The boundary lines that were established prior to the formation of the unit district shall be considered the official boundary lines. This by law adheres to all Unit Districts, unless a special ruling is made by the BOC per Unit District.

f. GUARDIANSHIP: Change in guardianship does not automatically make a student eligible.  Guardianship is only one factor that will be considered by the SIJHSAA when ruling on such cases.  The eligibility of orphans, children whose parents are divorced or separated, children who are wards of the court, and children whose guardianship has been changed by a judge through the courts shall be subject to review by the Executive Director.  In cases involving a change of residence by students, parents, or those with whom students are residing, an official ruling must be secured from the SIJHSAA before any such students may be considered eligible.

Section 6 TRANSFERS:  If a student transfers from one school to another one, he/she shall be ineligible for a period of one calendar year unless:

a. Residency Change Transfers:  The student's transfer is in conjunction with a move by his/her parents or the parent who has legal custody of the student from one school district to another.  If the transfer is made to the receiving school during the summer break, the student shall become eligible immediately.  If the transfer occurs after the first day of school attendance, the student shall sit out ten (10) attendance days and become eligible the day following.   In computing the ten (10) attendance days, the first day of attendance is considered as the day the student legally resides in the district, is enrolled, and attends a school.  A move is defined as a actual physical relocation with no intent to return to the former residence.
     1.  If a student moves, with his or her family from one member public school district to another public member school district, which also contains a private/parochial member school, the student may have a onetime choice as to attending the public school or the parochial school within the new district.
    2.  If a student's transfer is based upon his/her being emancipated, an orphan, the student's parents being divorced or separated, a ward of the state or court, or a child whose legal guardianship has been changed by a judge, his/her case shall be subject to review by the Executive Director.  An official ruling must be secured from the SIJHSAA before any such student may be considered eligible.  Change in legal guardianship is only one factor to be considered by the SIJHSAA when ruling on such cases.  Changes in guardianship does not automatically make a student eligible.  Also, the 10 Attendance Day Rule applies.

b. Non-Residency Change Transfers:  The transfer is from a private/parochial school/home school to a public school or from a public school to a private/parochial school, with no residency change, and principals of both school involved accept the transfer, concurring that there is no evidence of recruitment in connection with the transfer.  The student would be ineligible fifteen(15) attendance days at the accepting school.  The 15 day period of ineligibility would start on the first day of attendance at the accepting school and would become eligible the day following.  No more than one(1) transfer per school year, without a residency change will be allowed.
     1.  Non-Public to Non-Public Transfer:  If the transfer is from a non-public school to another non-public school within a 30 mile radius of the student's home and the principals of both schools accept the transfer, concurring that there is no evidence of recruitment in connection with the transfer.  Once again, the fifteen(15) Attendance Day Rule applies.  No more than one(1) transfer per school year, without a residency change will be allowed.

Section 7.  TUITION STUDENTS:  Students paying tuition in one public school district and living in another shall be ineligible for one year from their enrollment date, except students who have always attended school in the same member school and whose parents move from the  district or community traditionally served by the school following the student's start of the second semester of the 7th grade. Such student(s)  may remain in that district or school, with the approval of the local Board of Education, and retain eligibility regarding residence for the 8th grade,  providing there is no undue influence to retain attendance of such  students.  These students shall be required to pay out of district tuition and  this section shall in no event affect the residency rules or requirements of  the ISBE.

Students attending a Special Education or Special Vocational Education Cooperative Center, shall be eligible under the following conditions:
1. Students taking part of their work at the Special Center and part of their work in their home school shall be eligible at their home school only.
2. Students taking all of their work at a Special Education Center Shall have the option of participating for their home school district, which is counting their attendance, and receiving state aid for them or at the attendance center of their special education class.  Once the student has chosen the option, it will not be changed unless the student's Special Education Plan (IEP) changes.

Section 9.  UNIT TEAMS:
In school districts where more than one graded attendance center is maintained, a Unit Team composed of members of any or all of the said attendance centers can be declared eligible for competition by the Board of Control before July 1, of each calendar year.  The unit Superintendent of each district shall request the recognition of the said Unit District.  The written request should be submitted prior to July 1, of each calendar year.  In the event such permission to for a Unit Team is granted, that unit should be immediately eligible for competition in the SIJHSAA sponsored contests.  Upon such granting of permission, no attendance center in the unit is eligible for competition in SIJHSAA as a center for a period of one(1) calendar year.  In the event that such authority to develop a Unit Team is granted, the proposed Unit Team shall include the same obligations and privileges for the total program set forth in the By-Laws and Rules of the Association.  All proposed Unit Teams shall field sports for boys and girls.  Modifications may be made within the first five (5) years of the formation of the Unit District, upon written request by the Unit Superintendent specifically setting forth the modifications to be proposed.  Said modifications must be ruled on by the Board of Control before July 1 in the year before competition is to begin.  For example, if a team wished to participate in the 2013-2014 seasons, such petitions would need to be filed and heard and approved by the Board of Control before July 1, 2013. (When schools become Unit Teams it is for all sports offered between the Unit Schools)

Section 10.  PUBLIC SCHOOLS USING PAROCHIAL STUDENTS: (This By Law has been deleted from by the SIJHSAA Board of Control on 10-15-13)

a. Girls may participate on boys' teams in  SIJHSAA events under the following conditions:

1. The member school must request permission from the SIJHSAA and provide written verification from the ISBE office that the member school is in compliance with Sex Equity in Athletics Compliance Verification (23rd IL. Administrative Code).
2. The member school must provide the SIJHSAA with a copy of its most recent sex equity survey.
3. The only team in the sport available at the member school is a boys' team.
4. The girl(s) participates on the boys' team during the regular season.
5. A member school will not be permitted to enter a boy on a girls' team in any sport during the regular season or tournament play.

write or call:   Lynda A Vaughn - 312-814-3598 (Office) 312-814-2282 (Fax)  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (email)

Illinois State Board of Education
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 14-300
Chicago, IL  60601 

Section 12. School and Non-School Teams: The SIJHSAA has no rule prohibiting its member schools from allowing their students to participate on non-school teams such as clubs and church teams or on additional sports teams at their local school.

Section 13.  Eligibility/Use of Non-Certified Coaches: The decisions regarding the use of and the appointment, employment, and training of non-certified coaches are the responsibilities of the local SIJHSAA member school. The SIJHSAA does require that all coaches in all its member schools be covered by their school's liability insurance plan and shall be 18 years of age or older.

Section 14.  If The Local School Does Not Offer A Given Sport: Those students are not allowed to participate with a neighboring school.

Section 15. HOME SCHOOLED STUDENTS: Students who are Home Schooled are not eligible to participate in SIJHSAA events.  As stated in ARTICLE I, Section 1, any student participating in an SIJHSAA event must be a full time student enrolled in that member school.

School authorities shall be responsible for verifying the eligibility of any SIJHSAA athlete upon request.  Failure to do may result in the forfeiture of the contest(s).  Coaches should hand carry a current eligibility list to all contests. Eligibility lists are to be turned in to the regional host. Advancing schools to the state finals are responsible to turn in an eligibility list to the State Tournament Host.  The eligibility sheet may be altered up to the first game, meet, or match of a regional or state tournament event.

The intent of this By-Law is to increase the opportunities for participation……not to encourage building stronger teams.
Section 1.  GUIDELINES:
The deadline for cooperative(co-op) written application to the SIJHSAA, for the sports of baseball, softball, girls cross country, and boys cross country, is August 1 each year.  The deadline for cooperative(co-op) written application to the SIJHSAA, for the sports of girls basketball, boys basketball, girls bowling, boys bowling, volleyball, girls golf, boys golf, girls track, and boys track, is October 1 of each year. APPLICATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH  THE SIJHSAA OFFICE.
b. The total number of K-8 students in a co-op must be 500 students or less and each school must be an SIJHSAA member in good standing. 

c. The combined K-8 enrollments of the schools within the co-op shall be utilized to determine the team's classification for SIJHSAA State Series play.
d. The cooperative schools must be in the same geographical area. The cooperative agreement shall be established for a period of two consecutive years. Another school may not join the co-op during that 2 years - unless approved by the Board of Control.

e. Any school participating in a cooperative team agreement may not form its own individual team in the same sport.

f. One application form must be completed and filed with the SIJHSAA office for each co-op team(sport) a school wishes to establish.
g. The governing boards of all schools participating in the cooperative team application must jointly make the application to the SIJHSAA.
h. Each school must be responsible for the fees for each individual sport co-oped.

a. The cooperative application form shall include the following:

1. The school years in which the co-op wishes to compete.

2. The name of the cooperative team shall be the name of the host of the individual sport co-oped.

3. The name of the host school for each individual sport co-oped.

4. The names and K-8 enrollments of all the schools that wish to participate in the cooperative agreement.

5. A statement giving the reason(s) for establishing the co-op.

6.   Each school's expected number of participants with and without the co-op.

7. The signature of the superintendent of each school within the co-op.

8. The signature of each school board president of each school within the co-op.

9. Attachment of approval from the conference(s) of each team within the co-op. 
In the event no conference membership is involved, written approval from a majority of
each school's opponents shall be required.

10. Attachment of the inter-school agreement for the proposed cooperative team.

11. Application forms are available through the SIJHSAA office.

Application deadline is August 1 (baseball,softball, girls cross country, boys cross country)
                                     October 1 (girls basketball, boys basketball, volleyball, girls golf, boys golf, girls track, boys track)
SCHOOL YEARS(2): _____-_____ & _____-_____   SPORT:___________________

HOST SCHOOL FOR THE ABOVE SPORT : _______________________________________

_____________________________________K-8 Enrollment _________
_____________________________________K-8 Enrollment _________


School_________________________ Without Co-op _____   With Co-op _____
School_________________________ Without Co-op _____   With Co-op _____

SUPERINTENDENTS                                     SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENTS
____________________________                    _________________________________
____________________________                    _________________________________


Regional and State scheduling and contests shall have precedence over all other contests.

Section 1. Definition of SIJHSAA SPONSORED CONTESTS:  one involving at least one member of the Southern Illinois Junior High School Athletic Association played anytime during the school year.  SIJHSAA Member Schools may play contests with other school sponsored jr. high level teams. (IESA or non-member teams)  Travel Teams, All-Star Teams, High School Teams are examples of prohibited competition.

Section 2. The only "season" designated is in basketball.  Practice in a given sport may begin whenever the local member school so chooses.

Section 3. The basketball "season" shall be from the school's first day of school through the completion of the SIJHSAA state basketball tournament. Other than the State Series, any contest played anytime during the basketball season shall count toward a school's total number of contests for the season.

Section 4.  Number of Contests: The only SIJHSAA sport that has game or tournament limitations is basketball. Those limitations are confined to the time period of the school's first day of school until the completion of the SIJHSAA state basketball tournament.

Section 5. Regional(when required) and State contests are sponsored by the SIJHSAA in baseball, softball, cross-country, basketball, bowling, volleyball, and track.

Section 6. Winning teams and/or individuals may advance to the next level of competition provided that all contests are organized in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Constitution and By Laws.

Section 7. During all Regional and State contests the SIJHSAA prohibits the use of all types of noise-makers, confetti, radios, shakers, poms(unless used by cheerleaders), rally towels, thunder sticks, camera lights, laser lights, and also tripods in the stands.  Signs must be no larger than a legal sized sheet of paper. (8 1/2 X 14) Body painting materials shall not be administered at games or containers brought on game sites.  Body paint may be worn on arms and the face.  Appropriate shirts must be worn to all events.  Bands are limited to the National Anthem.  They are not be be used to give a home game atmosphere nor to create noise or to rally the fans.

Section 8. The SIJHSAA rules apply to, 7th Grade(JV) contests (7th grade and down)  and 8th Grade(Varsity) contests (8th grade and down) only.

Section 9: The SIJHSAA forbids bringing animals(dogs, cats, etc.) to our contests.

Section 10: Employment of coaches shall be the responsibility of the local member school authorities.   The local school authorities are the ones ultimately responsible for the coaches they employ. The SIJHSAA does require Head Coaches to be 18 years of age or older.

Section 11:  Eligibility lists must be turned in to the regional host prior to the beginning of the regional.  They are official once they are turned into the regional host and can't be altered.  Advancing teams to the State Finals must turn in an eligibility list to the SIJHSAA Director and State Tournament Host.  The list may be altered after regional play, but once it is turned in for state tournament play it is official and can't be altered.

Section 12:  All SIJHSAA State Series Events require each school that is participating have an Official School Representative accompany teams and individuals.  These Official School Representatives
must be School Board Approved. 

Section 13:  At all SIJHSAA Events the use of a colored ball, not meeting NFHS standards, may be used in case of cancer or benefit awareness. Both member schools must approve the use. 

Section 14:  During regular season games two (2) IHSA licensed officials must be hired for baseball, softball, and boys and girls basketball - one (1) IHSA licensed official for volleyball will be used on all 7th (JV) and 8th (Varsity) games or matches, with the exception in case of late notice of an officials cancelation.  In the event of a late notice cancelation, a non-licensed official may be substituted. 

No contestant shall be permitted to compete in a practice(including tryouts) or a game unless he/she shall have filed with the principal or superintendent of the school a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, a physician’s assistant, or a nurse practitioner, not more than (395) days (13 mo.) preceding such practice or game. A record of the physical examination shall be on file in in the student's member school. 

Section 1.There shall be no protests of decisions or rulings made by game officials or games committees unless those decisions/judgments violate specific By Laws of this organization.

All formal protests must be accompanied by a $25.00 deposit.  If the protest is sustained, the deposit shall be refunded.  By rule, judgment decisions cannot be protested.

Section 2. Any school making a protest shall have a school official contact the Executive Director within twenty-four(24) hours of completion of the contest.  For purposes of filing a protest, allowable writings are written letters, facsimile transmissions, e-mail transmissions, or any other electronic written transmissions addressed to the Executive Director. 

Section 3. For protests in regard to tournament play, the tourney manager and  the game officials should attempt to resolve the dispute.

Section 4. Any coach or school official who withdraws a team from the field of play under any circumstances prior to the official completion of the game shall forfeit all rights to protest.

Section 1. All eligible teams that enter any SIJHSAA State Series(regional/state) must continue to participate in such contests until eliminated from the adopted schedule by defeat or forfeit.

Section 2: Forfeits may be allowed only under the following conditions.
a.    When a team's roster is decimated by illness or multiple deaths, a forfeit may be declared without penalty to the school.
b.    When further play becomes impossible because of travel conditions caused by flood, severe winds, snow, or ice a forfeit may be declared without penalty to the school(s).
c.    When a team's roster is decimated by academic ineligibility, a forfeit may be declared without penalty to the school.
d.    When situations are beyond the control of the school.

Section 3. Any coach or school official who withdraws its team from SIJHSAA State Series play for any reason, other than those stated herein, their school will be automatically suspended, without recourse, from membership in the SIJHSAA  for a period of one(1) year.  During that period of time the school shall enter no contests sponsored by this association.  This penalty shall be administered by the Board of Control and there shall be no appeal for the violation of this section of the By-Laws.

Section 4. During season play, any coach or school official who withdraws a team from the field of play prior to the completion of the contest shall forfeit all rights to protest.  In addition, the coach shall be suspended for a minimum of two(2) games and the member school placed on probation one(1) year.

Section 2. Any coach ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible:

a. First Offense: Any (coach) ejected from a SIJHSAA contest shall not be permitted  to attend the next two(2) interscholastic contests at that level(jv-7th/varsity-8th) of competition or any SIJHSAA contests at any level in the interim. During a suspension coaches may not attend contests or travel with the team to and from contests from which sport they are suspended.  In addition the coach must complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course online.  Receipt of course completion must be acknowledged by the SIJHSAA office prior to the coach regaining eligibility.  Additional penalties may be assessed by the school and/or the SIJHSAA.

b. Second Offense:. For the next four(4) interscholastic contests at the level at which the ejection occurred (and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim).


Section 3. Any fan ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible:

a. First Offense: Any(fan) ejected from a SIJHSAA contest shall not be permitted to attend the next three(3) interscholastic contests at that level (jv-7th/varsity-8th) of competition, at the school that they are representing, or any other SIJHSAA interscholastic contests at any level in the interim.  In addition the fan must complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course online.  Receipt of course completion must be acknowledged by the SIJHSAA office prior to the fan regaining contest attendance. Additional penalties may be assessed by the school and/or the SIJHSAA. (example:  A fan is ejected from a game by an official or school administrator.  The school you are there with is Bloomington 8th grade girls.  The ejected fan may not attend the next 3(three)Bloomington 8th grade girls games - and in addition may not attend any SIJHSAA events in the interim of the suspension)

b. Second Offense:. For the remainder of the school year for all SIJHSAA Contests.

Section 4. Any player ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible:

a.  First Offense:  Any (player) ejected from a SIJHSAA contest shall not be permitted to participate in the next two(2) interscholastic contest at the level (JV/Varsity) of competition, or any other SIJHSAA interscholastic contests at any level in the interim.  During a suspension a player may attend contests and travel with the team to and from contests from which sport they are suspended.  The player may sit on the bench in street clothes (not in uniform) while in attendance. In addition the player must complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course online.  Receipt of course completion must be acknowledged by the SIJHSAA office prior to the player regaining eligibility.   Additional penalties may be assessed by the school and/or the SIJHSAA.

b.  Second Offense:. For the next four(4) interscholastic contests at the level at which the ejection occurred (and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim). 

**Note that ejection penalties carryover from sport to sport for the entire school year. 

Section 5. Any player, coach, or fan that is ejected by an official for unsportsmanlike conduct during a 6th grade game that is held in conjunction with a 7th or 8th grade game - will not be permitted to participate the remainder of the night (player) and a (fan or coach) who is ejected will need to leave the facility the remainder of the event.

Section 6. In the event of an ejection of a player, coach, or fan due to unsportsmanlike conduct, the host school Athletic Director or Principal shall be required to send a written report of the incident to the SIJHSAA Director. This report shall be received by the SIJHSAA Director no later than noon the day following the ejection.  Unsportsmanlike Conduct Ejection Forms may be found on the SIJHSAA Website ( under the Administrative Section - Forms and Documents.

Section 1. Any violations of the rules of this Association, its Constitution, and/or its By Laws shall be reported in writing to the Executive Director who shall conduct an investigation as hereinafter provided. The findings of the investigation shall be made known to the administration of the school alleged to be responsible for such violations.  The Board of Control shall  have final authority to impose penalties as it deems appropriate.

Section 2. The use of any ineligible player in any contest shall make the forfeiture of the contest automatic.

Section 3. A team failing to field the required number of players within 15 minutes of the scheduled game time shall forfeit the game unless there are extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the participating school(s) as determined by the
tournament/game manager or Rules Committee.

Section 4. The Board of Control  may invoke all penalties for rules violations as they deem fitting.

Section 1. Any/all contests missed due to strike-related school closures shall be automatically forfeited and shall count toward the total number of contests in that sport for the school year. (Exception of Section 5)

Section 2. IF THE REGIONAL OR  STATE TOURNEY FOR THE SPORT(S) IN SEASON HAS ALREADY BEGUN PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OFTHE STRIKE, the team may continue until eliminated from the State Series.  Otherwise, the school's teams are prohibited from participating  in contests until the strike has been settled and school is back in session.

Section 3. The team(s) may practice during the strike as normal……meaning with the same regularity and length of practices as prior to the strike.

Section 4. While a school is on strike, it may host tournaments and other contests. HOWEVER, the striking school's own team(s) may not participate.

Section 5. The opponent of the striking school may elect to reschedule the contest after the strike has been settled with no forfeit. 

THE BOARD OF CONTROL SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ENACT OR AMEND THE BY-LAWS.  Approval shall be by majority vote of those in attendance when a quorum of the BOC is present, or by mail vote. 

Enrollment figures are based on the number of students in grades K-8. 

Section 1. The classes for each SIJHSAA sport are currently as follows:

3 Classes  
= the largest 32 participating schools
M = the next largest 32 participating schools
S = the remainder of the participating schools

3 Classes
L = the largest 32 participating schools
= the next largest 40 participating schools
S =  the remainder of the participating schools

**In the event that any tie in classification at the bottom of a particular class in any sport, the tie would be broken at a Steering Committee Meeting, Board of Control Meeting, or in the presence of a Steering Committee Member or Board of Control Member. (Passed BOC 10-21-15)

2 Classes L = 501 and above
S = 500 and below

Membership dues and all sports participation fees are collected by January 15 of each year.  THE INTENT-TO-PLAY CARD IS MAILED TO ALL MEMBER SCHOOL ON NOVEMBER 1.  The dues and fees are for the calendar year and entitle the member school to participate in each sport it registers for that begins within that calendar year.  Annual dues are $100 and each individual sport’s fee is $50.  NOTE: Each member school in a co-op must pay its own full annual membership dues and sports fees.

Section 1. OPEN WOUND POLICY:  A player, coach, or official who is bleeding or who has blood on his/her uniform or clothing shall be prohibited from participating further in the contest until appropriate treatment has been administrated.  If medical care or treatment
can be administrated in a reasonable amount of time, the individual would not have to leave the contest.  What is considered "reasonable" shall be determined by the official(s).

Section 2. The SIJHSAA recommends that each team(school) have a medical kit  available for all sports events.

Section 3.  CONCUSSION MANGEMENT GUIDELINES:  Policies for the management of concussions and head injury in youth sports Illinois House Bill 200, which recognizes the dangers associated with head injury and concussions, became effective on July 1, 2011.  The legislation also requires IHSA Member schools to adopt a policy regarding student-athlete concussions and head injuries that is in compliance with the protocols, policies, and by-laws of the IHSA.  Information on the school's concussion and head injury policy must be a part of any agreement contract, code, or other written instrument that a school requires a student athlete and his or her parents or guardian to sign before participating in practice or interscholastic competition. A student athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from participation or competition at that time.  A student athlete who has been removed from an interscholastic contest for a possible concussion or head injury can not return to the contest unless cleared to do so by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches in Illinois or a certified athletic trainer.  If not cleared to return to that contest, a student athlete can not return to play or practice until the student athlete has provided his or her school with written clearance from a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches in Illinois or a certified athletic trainer working in conjunction with a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches in Illinois. (Information concerning Concussion Management may be found on the IHSA Website under Resources /Sports Medicine / Concussion Management))

Section 4.  The SIJHSAA adheres to Illinois State Law and IHSA Policy Dealing with Concussion Protocol.

Dates are subject to change, due to the fact the SIJHSAA has no facilities of its own.  ALWAYS CHECK OUR MAILINGS FOR DATE CHANGES.   WE ALSO ATTEMPT TO KEEP THOSE DATES, AND CHANGES OF DATES, POSTED ON THE WEB SITE  (

Weeks are numbered from the first FULL WEEK(Sun-Sat) of July.

Baseball/Softball:  Saturday of week 13  

Cross Country:  Saturday of week 15   Sat. following Columbus Day

Girls Basketball:    CLASS  M     Friday of week 29  
CLASS  L  Saturday of week 29  
CLASS  S  Saturday of week 29  

Boys Basketball:    CLASS  M  Friday of week 31    
CLASS  S  Saturday of week 31  
CLASS  L Saturday of week 32   

Volleyball:    Adjusted annually according to the Easter date, and can be as late as
April 1 or 2.  Most common date is the Saturday in week #38.

Golf: 2nd Tuesday in May

Track:     Class S is 2nd Saturday In May
Class L is 2nd Saturday In May

Regionals all have a specific  meeting date established by the BOC and a window of dates in which the regional must be scheduled.  Schools shouldn't schedule regular season games or matches during the regional window.  Check the SPORTS CALENDAR, the website, and our mailings for these dates.

a. REGIONAL MEETINGS or the Fax /E-mail Seeding Process require mandatory attendance or participation by each school. The penalty for failure to be represented at the Regional Organizational Meetings or participate in the Fax/E-mail Seeding Process (in any/all sports) is probation for 1 year and any subsequent violation, within that 1 year period, would add an additional 2 years of probation to the school.  Any subsequent violations within the 2 year extension would be brought to the SIJHSAA BOC for review.

b. Probation means that if the school or any of its representatives are found guilty of additional violations which also warrant probation, the school may be suspended from state series competition in all SIJHSAA sports for one calendar year.

c. Sites, ratings, officials, times, places are all to be voted on and established at the  regional meetings.  Decisions at these meetings are final…providing they are in accordance with SIJHSAA By Laws and regulations.

d. Sometimes sites, such as an available track, and officials are difficult to schedule at the “last minute.” Thus, there may be times when it is prudent to have such item secured in advance of your regional meeting.  HOWEVER, THAT DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE FACT THAT THE REGIONAL MEETING IS MANDATORY, ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY, AND THAT IT IS UP TO THOSE PRESENT TO FINALIZE AND APPROVE ALL REGIONAL TOURNEY OR MEET PLANS.


Section 1. Rules and regulations for each sport are given in the section devoted to 
the individual sport.  If not otherwise given in this book or in mailings from the Executive Director, each individual sport follows the Rules of Play as set forth in the National Federation Rule Book or by the IHSA.

Section 2. Official rules for all sports may be obtained from the IHSA office.
IHSA   2715McGraw Drive   Bloomington, Il.  61701-2715
Phone: 1- 309-663-6377       Website:

Section 1. All SIJHSAA tournaments in all sports are single elimination and shall be set up at the regional tournament organizational meeting. Tourney drawings with numbered brackets are available through the SIJHSAA office.

a.  A "window" of time is stipulated in each sport(other than cross country) for the scheduling of the regional tourney.  The window is basically a week in length and the participating coaches are asked to schedule the complete tourney within that window of time.  Do not leave the final date of the window open and skip to the day following.  The day following the regional window is to be used in cases where the finals were canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of the tourney manager.

In each sport where regional tournaments are held, tournament organizers shall be appointed by the Executive Director.  Some of the duties of organizers are:

a. Schedule a meeting of the coaches involved in the regional tourney. All sports have the option of using the Fax/E-Mail Process.  The Regional Organizer will have the option of using the Fax/E-Mail Process with the majority of regional schools involved approval.  Girls and Boys Track may now use electronic or fax/e-mail entry to replace the regional organizational meeting if all details of the regional meet may be handled electronically.

b. Regional Seeding Criteria and Breaking Ties:. Coaches will not be allowed to vote for their own team.  Coaches will determine their seeds based on these factors: (Head-to-Head victories against teams assigned to your regional, Record against common opponents, Total win/loss record of schools in the regional, Strength of schedule.  Note that these factors have not been prioritized.  The SIJHSAA reserves the right to review all submitted seeds per SIJHSAA BY Laws.

*Breaking Ties:  In the event that schools tie for a seed, the SIJHSAA will use the following criteria to break the tie:
                         1.  Head-to-Head competition between the tied schools
                          2. Random Draw (if more than 2 schools are tied for a seed)
                          3. Coin Flip (if 2 schools are tied for a seed and head-to-head competition can't break the tie)



c. Become very familiar with the By Laws for that sport and also with the IHSA rules of the sport involved.


e. The main purpose of the meeting is to completely set up the regional tourney.  
Every item should be approved by vote of those in attendance

f. Included in setting up the regional would be choosing the site(s), dates, times,  officials, tourney manager(someone at the host school), how to share expenses, rating the teams(or seeding the individuals, as in track), etc…..

g. Report the results of the meeting, including a tournament drawing,  to the   SIJHSAA office.

Pass pertinent information from the SIJHSAA Director on to the host.

iUnethical Seeding Practices:  The actual seeds given by a school for the regional will be seen by all the schools assigned to the regional.  Each regional organizer should remind the school representative that the SIJHSAA has the right to review the seeding.  If it becomes apparent that some representatives have purposefully rated teams in a position that cannot be justified, appropriate actions may be taken by the SIJHSAA to correct the problem.

Section 1. State tournament drawings shall be made by the BOC, Steering Committee, or personnel designated by the Board of Control.
Section 2. The placement of teams shall be done by random drawing.


a. BASEBALL & SOFTBALL: Expenses are shared by the participating schools., providing the host does not charge admission for the tourney. Charging admission for baseball/softball regionals is an option for the host.

b. BASKETBALL: The only allowable expenses are officials, postage, paper, phone.

c. VOLLEYBALL: The only allowable expenses are officials, postage, paper, phone.

d. TRACK: Expenses are shared by the participating schools.  Again that is providing the host does not charge admission for he meet, which remains an option.

e. In baseball/softball regionals that do collect gate receipts($2 & $3), the allowable expenses are paid from the receipts.  Additional gate receipts money is then shared 50-50 between the host and the SIJHSAA.  Unapproved expenses shall all be paid for by the host.


a. ALL  SPORTS: The host shall be allotted a given amount of money to  run the tournament, and that money shall come from the gate receipts.   All additional gate receipts money shall be divided 50-50 between the host and the SIJHSAA. 

Section 1.
Standardized trophies will be furnished by the SIJHSAA.  One team trophy will be awarded at every Regional and four team trophies will be awarded at every State tournament or meet.

Section 2. Individual awards will be furnished by the SIJHSAA in all sports at the State level as determined by the Board of Control.

:                                 STATE:
Adults………$3.00                          Adults………$5
K - 8th Grade…$2.00                     K - 8th Grade…$2.00

Baseball & Softball:  Regional $65 @ game per official (2 man crew)    State:  $70 @ game per official (3 man crew)

Basketball:  Regional $65 @game per official (2 man crew)  State:  $70 @game per official if one game / $110 per official if two games (3 man crews)

Volleyball   $47 (per game at state)  Regionals:  $55(1 game) $75 (2 games @ night) $110  (3 games @ night) $130 (4 games @ night)

Track Starter (Regional):  A minimum of $100 and a box of shells or $150 with no shells involved.

Section 1. INTENT TO PLAY:
a. Intent to participate should be filed with the SIJHSAA by the January 15 deadline for the return of the INTENT-TO-PLAY CARD. No school shall be permitted to sign up late after the August 1 deadline.

b. Failure to mark the Intent form and file it with the SIJHSAA shall be considered a negative response in regard to entering the State Series.

Section 2. ADMISSIONS:
a. Admissions for SIJHSAA regular season games shall be optional.

b. Admissions for SIJHSAA Regional Baseball/Softball Tournaments shall be optional.  If admission is charged, the host shall request a financial form from the SIJHSAA office.

c. Admission is charged at the State Tournament in each class and the host receives a BOC approved amount of money from the gate receipts with which to pay all tourney expenses other than trophies and awards..  Additional gate receipts shall be shared 50-50 between the host and the SIJHSAA.

a. The maximum number of players per team is twenty(20).

b. A maximum of 25 players/coaches/scorekeepers may may be on the  bench(in the dugout) during regular season and tournament games. c.   Teams may use adult coaches at first and third base coaching boxes.  If only one adult coach is used, only an eligible player may be used as  the other base coach.

d. When a team is on defense, the coaches, additional players, managers, and scorekeepers are to remain inside the dugout.

Section 4.   UMPIRES:
There shall be at least two umpires working each game, and at both of them must be IHSA Licensed Officials. For Regional Tourneys two(2) umpires shall be used and IHSA licensed.  For State Tournament play three(3) umpires will be used and all  shall be IHSA Licensed.


a.  In general, we follow IHSA rules.  New SIJHSAA equipment rules, such as the face mask for batters, usually follow a year behind the IHSA’s institution of the rule.  That particular one took effect in the SIJHSAA in the fall of 2006.

b. To enter any tournament a student must be eligible under all rules and conditions of the SIJHSAA.

c. Each tourney team shall have its current eligibility list available at all times.  During SIJHSAA State Series Play twenty(20) players may dress.  Those 20 players must be on the eligibility list turned into your regional or state tournament host before the tournament begins.  Once the eligibility list is turned in it is final and can't be altered.

d. A maximum of twenty-five(25) individuals may occupy the players' bench.      These individuals are identified in Section 3b.

e. All team members must be in similar dress.

f. Team privileges or home team will be designated by the highest seeded team in regional play.  At the State Tournament home team will be decided by a flip of a coin.

g. All SIJHSAA tourneys shall be single elimination and the games 7 innings.

h. Regional tourney expenses may be shared in any manner deemed satisfactory by a majority of those present at the regional organizational meeting.

i. The SIJHSAA MERCY RULE shall be in effect as follows:  15 after 3 innings, 12 after 4 innings, or 10 after 5 or more innings.

j. In tourney play, begin your suspended games where they left off.  Official games are ones that have completed at least 4 1/2 innings and the home team is ahead or 5 innings and the visiting is ahead and then called by weather/darkness..  Baseball Rule book:  Rule 4-2  Article 3


l.  TOURNAMENT DEADLINE:  A deadline for completion of the baseball and softball state tournaments shall be one(1) week past the final scheduled date of each respective tournament.  If tournaments are not completed by the deadline - the SIJHSAA will provide duplicate trophy's and individual medals to participating schools.

Section 1.
For rules not included in the following list,  refer to the National Federation of State Schools Baseball Rule Book....INCLUDING THE "LIGHTNING RULE". The rule basically states that once lightning or thunder occurs during a contest, play is halted for 30 minutes.  If more lightning or thunder takes place, the time clock reverts back to the 30 minute wait again, etc.. ALL SIJHSAA BASEBALL COACHES SHOULD OBTAIN A  RULE BOOK THROUGH THE IHSA.

a. The distances between bases shall be 80 ft. and the pitching distance is 54 ft.

b. PITCH COUNT LIMITATION RULES: Rules for pitching limitations during all SIJHSAA baseball games may be found on the SIJHSAA Website (  Go to the Administrative tab at the top of the home page and the Pitch Count Limitation Rules may be found under the Forms and Documents Section. Any pitcher (either starting or any relief pitcher) withdrawn from the mound or game may return to the pitching position once per game.

c. Names of each tourney pitcher who actually pitches during a game shall be written on the back of the team's eligibility sheet along with the date and the number of innings pitched in.  This shall be signed by at least one of the following:  tourney manager, opposing coach, official scorer.

d. NON-WOODEN BATS: The following bats are legal for use in SIJHSAA contests:
    1.  Any non-wood bat containing a silkscreen or permanent marked BBCOR label as detailed in section 1-3-2 of the NFHS baseball rules book or;
    2.  Any bat 30 inches and under that has a greater than minus three drop provided the bat barrel diameter does not exceed 2 1/4 inches or:
    3.  Any bat 30 inches and under that has a greater than minus three drop and a barrel diameter no larger than 2 5/8 inches provided that bat contains the USA Baseball logo
    4.  Any wood bat that meets the NFHS standards detailed in section 1-3-2 and 1-3-3 of the NFHS baseball rules book.

Note 1:  Any bat 31 inches and over must meet the NFHS guidelines and contain the BBCOR label.
Note 2:  Any bat 31 inches and over and has a greater than minus 3 drop with the USA Baseball logo is an illegal bat.
Note 3.  Any non-wood bat with a barrel diameter greater than 2 5/8" is illegal.
Note 4:  Effective with the 2019 season, no bat with a 2 1/4" barrel will be legal.    
All wooden bats must meet IHSA-NFHS standards. IHSA RULE BOOKS 309-663-6377


e. BAT RULE PENALTIES: If a player has been found to have used an illegal bat during play,which is detected by the umpires or the defensive team before the next pitch is thrown, the following penalties will occur:  The defense may take the result of the play and or the penalty, the batter will be declared out, the offending player will be restricted to the bench the remainder of the game, and the bat will be taken out of play.

f.. Metal spikes and rubber cleats are permissible in SIJHSAA baseball.

g.  Portable Pitching Mounds:  Portable Pitching Mounds may be used during regular season games.  During Regional Play - Portable Pitching Mounds may be used if a majority of the teams in their regional approve by a vote at their respective regional seeding meeting or fax/e-mail process.  It is the responsibility of the host school using Portable Pitching Mounds to inform the opponent of its use and possible guidelines at the time of scheduling the contest. (ex-tennis shoes only used on the mound etc...)

Section 1.
For rules not included in the following list, refer to the National Federation Rule Book for 12 inch fast pitch softball....INCLUDING THE "LIGHTNING RULE". The rule basically states that once lightning or thunder occurs during a contest, play is halted for 30 minutes.  If more lightning or thunder takes place, the time clock reverts back to the 30 minute wait, etc..  ALL SIJHSAA SOFTBALL COACHES SHOULD OBTAIN A RULE BOOK THROUGH THE IHSA.

a. The distance between bases shall be 60 ft. and the pitching distance is 40 ft.
b. BATS: Only bats designed specifically for softball may be used.
c. It is each coach's responsibility to be aware of any rules changes for that year.
d. The maximum number of players per team is twenty.
e. As of July 1, 2009, metal spikes and rubber cleats are permissible in SIJHSAA softball.
f. The Olympic Tie Breaker may be used during regular season games if both coaches agree and regular season tournament as decided by the tournament manager.  The SIJHSAA Softball State Series will not use the Olympic Tie Breaker. 
g. Regular season games must have two(2) IHSA Licensed Officials on games.


a. Intent to participate should be filed with the SIJHSAA by the January 15 deadline for the return of the INTENT-TO-PLAY CARD.  No school or individual shall be permitted to sign up after October 1.

b. Failure to mark the intent card and file it with the SIJHSAA shall be considered a negative response in regard to participating in the State Cross Country Meet.

Section 2.  ELIGIBILITY:
a. Individual eligibility requirements shall be those previously covered in that section of this book.

b. Each team must have its current eligibility list available at all times.  There may be a total of 10 names on the eligibility sheet for the state competition.

c. Once entry sheets are received by the meet manager, an individual runner may be replaced by another from his/her team's eligibility list.  However, the number of participating runners shall not be increased.

a. A team may enter as many as seven(runners) in the State Meet.

b. Team scores are derived from the team's top five runners.  Thus a team must enter a minimum of five runners in order to figure into the team standings.

c. Participants of teams with less than five team members shall be running only for individual achievement and awards.

Section 4.   STATE  MEETS
a.   The State Meet shall be held on the first Saturday following Columbus Day.    Saturday of week 15   

b. There will actually be four state meets on that date:

c. The distances shall be 3000 meters, which is 1.86 miles.

d. A games committee will be established to rule on meet situations/incidents.  Decisions of the starter and of the games committee shall be final.

Section 5.  SCORING:
a. Scoring shall be done as set forth in the Federation/IHSA rule book.

Section 6.  UNIFORMS:
a. Each contestant shall wear his/her school issued jersey and shorts. All runners must wear shoes.  Spiked shoes, flats, or rubber soled shoes are recommended.  Spiked shoes may be worn that have spikes that don't exceed 5/8" in length.   Refer to the IHSA rule book for additional uniform and jewelry information.  (Effective July 1, 2009)

a. Shall be as set forth in the IHSA rule book and enforced by the starter and games committee of the meet(s).

Section 8.   LIGHTNING RULE:
The SIJHSAA adheres to the IHSA's rule on suspension of play for 30 minutes following lightning or thunder during an outdoor contest.  If more lightning or thunder takes place, the time clock reverts back to the 30 minute wait, etc..

For rules not included in the following list, refer to the  National Federation Rule Book. EVERY COACH SHOULD OBTAIN A RULE BOOK THROUGH THE IHSA.  IHSA licensed officials shall be used in all SIJHSAA contests.

Section 1.   INTENT TO PLAY:
Each School do need to mark your intent to participate on the INTENT-TO-PLAY CARD THAT IS DUE BY January 15.  No teams will be permitted to enter the State Series after October 1.


The following information relates to 8th grade(varsity) teams and 7th grade(JV) teams
only.  It does not relate to individual students or to teams below 7th grade level.

a. The number of games/tourneys that may be played from the school's first day of school until the completion of the SIJHSAA state basketball tournament shall be a maximum of  28 games.  REGIONAL AND STATE DO NOT COUNT AGAINST A TEAM'S  NUMBER OF GAMES.   FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS RULE SHALL CAUSE THE SCHOOL TO BE DENIED ENTRANCE INTO THE STATE SERIES and may possibly result in the school being placed on probation by the Board of Control.

b. A shootout:  Member schools may participate in a shootout and each game played will be counted toward your regular season non-tournament total.  (Not counted as a tournament as in the past)

Section 3: The basketball "season" is considered to be inclusive from the school's first day of school until the completion of the SIJHSAA state basketball tournament.  The SIJHSAA has no responsibilities nor jurisdiction concerning contests held outside the "season" as described in the previous sentence.

Section 4. An OFFICIAL GAME is considered to be any practice or scrimmage with
another school, team, or group of individuals.

Section 5.  PROHIBITED PRACTICE: As a courtesy to Rend Lake College and in fairness to schools throughout our membership, we prohibit SIJHSAA member schools from holding basketball practices at RLC.

a. The regional tourney manager shall have a copy of each team's eligibility list at
the official scorer's bench throughout the tournament.
b. Each team may list fifteen(15) players on the eligibility sheet for regional play.  This is official once it is turned in to the regional manager.  Advancing teams are responsible for their eligibility list to be turned into the SIJHSAA Director and the State Tournament Host.  After regional play the eligibility list may be altered but is official once it is turned in for the state tournament host.
c. A team may dress fifteen(15) players whose names are on the eligibility list.

Section 7.  MERCY RULE:  The Basketball Mercy Rule has been adopted for all regular season and SIJHSAA Girls and Boys State Series Games.  A copy of the official Mercy Rule regulations can be found on the SIJHSAA Website (  Go to the Administrative Tab on the home page and you will find the Mercy Rule under the Forms and Documents Section.

Section 1.

a. For SIJHSAA regular season games, the quarters shall be 7 minutes in 8th grade games and 6 minutes in 7th grade games.
b. All overtime periods shall be 3 minutes in length.
c. All “B” or “JV” games are designated for students in the 7th grade and below.
d. The SIJHSAA has no jurisdiction over contests below the 7th grade level.
e.  Regular Season Games must have two(2) IHSA Licensed Officials on games.

Section 1.
A total of fifteen(15) cheerleaders may dress and be placed on the pass for SIJHSAA sponsored tournaments.  If space permits, 8 may be behind the end line during play while the others remain seated.  All may be on the floor for cheers at the appropriate times.

Section 2. Shakers shall be considered a natural part of the equipment for  cheerleaders and shall be permissible for them to use. They are not permissible for fans or cheering sections to use.

Section 3. The SIJHSAA has no jurisdiction over eligibility of cheerleaders


Section 1. The deadline for entering the Volleyball State Series shall be January 15. 

Section 2. Illinois High School Volleyball Rules shall be in effect unless otherwise
stated in this article.
a. Scoring shall be 25, 25, and 15 points per contest.
b. Warm-up times at the State are 3-3-3-2 for the first round and 2-2-2-1 thereafter.
c. Uniforms and numbers placement on uniforms may vary from the IHSA rules.
d. Each team may include fifteen(15) names on its eligibility list.  A copy of this list
shall be available at all times.  These players listed are the 15 players dressed and eligible for competition.
"B" or "JV" contests are designated for students in the 7th grade and below.
f. At the present time, the SIJHSAA has no limitations on the number of games or
tournaments a team may participate in.
g. Eligibility guidelines are set forth in the early pages of the By-Laws.
h. Height of the net is the same as high school:  7' 4 1/8".
J. Regular Season games must have at minimum one(1) IHSA Licensed Official.

ARTICLE  XXXII:   TRACK   &   FIELD (Boys and Girls)
The National Federation of State High School Rules and Records Book shall be used
unless otherwise stated in this book....including the IHSA's "Lightning Rule". The rule basically states that if lightning or thunder occurs during a contest play is halted for 30 minutes.  If more lightning or thunder takes place, the time clock reverts back to the 30 minute wait, etc..  EVERY COACH SHOULD OBTAIN A RULE BOOK THROUGH THE IHSA.

a.  Intent to participate in track should be filed with the SIJHSAA by the January 15 deadline for the return of the INTENT-TO- PLAY form. Failure to mark the Intent form shall be considered as a negative response.  No team shall be allowed to enter track after March 1.

a. A member school may enter two(2) contestants per event, other than the relays.  Each school may enter only one 4-member relay team per relay event.
b. An eligible individual contestant may compete in any 4 events.
c. The eligibility requirements for track shall be the same as for all other SIJHSAA sponsored sports.
d. Each team should have a current eligibility list available at all meets.

a. Each Regional and State Track Meet shall have its own rules(games) committee, appointed by the meet manager, whose duty it shall be to rule on any/all problem that arise at that meet.
b. The rulings of the starter and of the rules committee shall be final.

a. All first and second place finishers, and those who tie for 2nd, in the regional meets advance to the State.
b. All other finishers who equal or better the QUALIFYING TIMES/DISTANCES shall also advance to the State meet.  
c. Meet Records are sometimes broken by merely hundredths of a second, but that's the nature of track....narrowness of victories and defeats.
d. Scoring at the state meets(8 lanes) shall be 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.
e. Scoring at the regional meets shall be 10-8-6-4-2-1
f. All relays advancing to the state meet will list all participants in the relay.

Section 5.  DATES:
a. Regional organizational meetings: Wed. of week 42
Regionals: Sat. of week 42  thru  Sat.. of week 43
c. State:  2nd Saturday in May.

Section 6.  UNIFORMS:
A. Members of any participating team must wear school issued shirts of the same color.   All contestants shall wear shoes. READ THE RULE BOOK ON UNIFORMS!!

Section 7.  ELECTRONIC ENTRY/FAX-E-MAIL REGIONAL ORGANIZATION is permitted in leu of a regional organizational meeting.

ARTICLE  XXXIII:   ORDER   OF   EVENTS &  QUALIFYING STANDARDS (Standards Current as of 4-1-24)
Times, distances and heights cannot be rounded up or down to meet the qualifying standards.  They must equal or better the listed standards.


Boys State Track Qualifying Marks


Class S

Class S

Class L

Class L

Pole Vault





High Jump





Long Jump





Shot Put










100m Hurdles





4X200m 7th Grade Relay





4X100m Relay





400m Dash





1600m Run





4X200m Varsity Relay





7th Grade 100m Dash





8th Grade 100m Dash





800m Run





200m Dash





4X400m Relay






Girls State Track Qualifying Marks


Class S

Class S

Class L


Pole Vault





High Jump





Long Jump





Shot Put










100m Hurdles





4X200m 7thGrade Relay

     NA    NA 2:00.0 2:00.24

4X100m Relay





400m Dash





1600m Run





4X200m Varsity Relay





7th Grade 100m Dash 





8th Grade 100m Dash





800m Run





200m Dash





4X400m Relay





Records may be established in the finals.  Wind is not figured in, as the SIJHSAA has never used wind measuring devices.  To find a listing of the current track records, check the track section of the website.

Scoring at the regionals  shall be 10-8-6-4-2-1.  Scoring at the state meet
(8 lanes) is 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1. 

Every coach should obtain a rule book through the IHSA.
PRELIMS: NO Prelims in any events. (Passed by the SIJHSAA Board of Control 10-18-17)

HURDLES:  100 meter hurdles shall consist of 10 hurdles.  The distance from the starting line to the first hurdle shall be 42’8”.  Distance between the hurdles shall be 27’10’’.  Distance from the last hurdle to the finish line shall be 34’11”.  Height of the hurdles shall be 30 inches.

HIGH JUMP: SIJHSAA recommended minimum beginning heights:  Regionals(4-0 girls and 4-6 boys) and State(4-0 girls and 4-10 boys). 

POLE VAULT: Recommended minimum beginning heights:(Regional 7-6 boys/5-6 girls and State 8-0 boys/6-0 girls).

SHOT PUT:  Each contestant shall receive 4 puts. All puts will be recorded and considered in determining the places of finish and the breaking of ties.  The weight of the shot shall be 8 pounds.  Lead shots are illegal.  Rubber and plastic covered 8 pound shots are legal.

DISCUS: Attempts are the same as for the shot put.  A rubber, wood, or metal discus weighing 1 Kilo or 2 lbs. 2 oz. with a diameter of 7-1/2" to 7-1/8" shall be used and should be checked by the judges before competition begins.  Throwing from a discus cage in the State Series shall be mandatory and is recommended for all other meets.

LONG JUMP: Each contestant shall be given 4 trials. All jumps shall be recorded and considered in determining finishes and the breaking of ties.

BREAKING OF TIES:  The breaking of ties in the field events shall be done in accordance with the National Federation of High Schools Rules and Records Book.

RELAY & SUBSTITUTION:  All relays must list each participant in the relay.  Substitutes may be used in the State Track Meets providing they are on the eligibility list and have not already entered four events in the State Meet.

SCRATCH MEETING:  Scratches and replacements may be made at the "scratch meeting" prior to the beginning of the regional meet. NOTE:  THIS IS A SCRATCH MEETING  ONLY, NOT A MEETING TO ARGUE OVER ORDER OF EVENTS, TIME SCHEDULES, ETC...


AWARDS:  In the state meets, 8 individual medallions are given in each event and 4 team trophies are awarded after the meet. (AT THE STATE MEET ONLY:  Duplicate medals will be given for all ties)

ARTICLE  XXXVII:  Bowling (Boys & Girls)


a. Intent to participate should be filed with the SJHSAA by the January 15 deadline for the return of the INTENT-TO-PLAY CARD. No school/individual shall be permitted to sign up after February 1.

b. Failure to mark the intent card and file it with the SIJHSAA shall be considered a negative response in regard to participating in the State Individual Boys and Girls Bowling Tournament.


a. Individual eligibility requirements shall be those previously covered in that section of the by laws.

b. Each school must have its current eligibility list available at all times.

c. Once entry sheets are received by the meet manager, an individual bowler may be replaced by another from his/her team's eligibility list. However, the number of participating bowlers shall not be increased.

Section 3. REGIONALS:

a. The Individual & Team Bowling State Series will consist of a Boys Division and a Girls Division.  It will be held the Saturday of Week 36 per IHSA calendar.

b. A school may enter 4 bowlers per division as a team for the Regional Bowling Tournament. School Entries of 3 bowlers or less will be considered as individual entries.

c. State Qualifiers will be determined by the total number of team and individual entries in each regional.  The total number of team and
individual qualifiers will be announced the week previous to the regional.

d. Each regional will award the winning team a regional trophy.  The top 10 individual girls and boys will received medals.  Ties would be 
broken by the high score of the last game bowled.


a. The State Meet shall be held on the Saturday of Week 37 per IHSA calendar. It will consist of a morning and afternoon sessions.

b. Rules: Per United State Bowling Congress and the SIJHSAA Terms and Conditions shall govern the competition.

c. Equipment Specification – Check with tournament manager.

d. Game: Standard 10 pin scoring format. The first round will consist of 3 games. After the first round, participants will be given lane assignments. The second round will also consist of 3 games.

e. Ties: Individual - high score of the last game bowled.

f. Awards: The top 15 individuals in each division will receive medals.  The top 4 teams in each division will receive a team trophies and medals for team members.

Section 5. UNIFORMS

a. Slacks, shorts, turtlenecks, sports shirts with collars, T-shirts with a commercially lettered school name and logo, nice jeans and/or skirts are all acceptable. Unacceptable apparel includes but is not limited to tank tops, T-shirts that advertise alcohol, drugs or explicit materials, jeans with holes or patches, hats or headgear and or boxer type shorts.


a. Shall be as set forth in the USBC Rules and SIJHSAA By Laws and enforced by the Tournament Manager and Tournament Director.


Section 1:  Multi-Media Policy
 Broadcast rights, copyright privileges, and other intellectual property rights to or related to all state playoff events belong to the Southern Illinois Jr. High School Athletic Association (SIJHSAA).  The SIJHSAA has the right to determine if any of these events may be broadcast, televised, webcast, tape recorded, filmed, or photographed for any "commercial" purposes.  The SIJHSAA has the exclusive right to establish the terms and conditions upon which such a production or reproduction of these events may be permitted.  (Approved 3-10-15 Board of Control)

Section 2:  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Policy
a.  The use of unmanned aerial vehicles ("UAV") also know as drones, is prohibited for any purpose by any persons at SIJHSAA Tournament venues.  Tournament management shall refuse admission or entry to anyone attempting to use a UAV;  and if necessary, tournament management shall remove anyone attempting to use a UAV and/or confiscate the UAV until the event has been completed.  For purposes of this policy, UAV is any aircraft without a human pilot aboard the device.  An exception to this policy may be made in specific cases for SIJHSAA broadcast partners, provided the management of the tournament facility permits the presence of UAV's for broadcast purposes under the control of the SIJHSAA.

Section 3:  Alcohol Related Policy
a.  The possession, distribution, sale and or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at the site and on any affiliated property of an SIJHSAA state series contest.  State series hosts are required to make all state series contest sites and any affiliated property, including parking lots, fan zones on the date or dates of any SIJHSAA event being held at the site.  Violation of this policy by an event host will be subject to SIJHSAA Penalties.  Patrons of any SIJHSAA State Series contest determined to be in violation of this policy will be removed from the premise, and law enforcement officials could be called as warranted.  Violation of this policy by patrons will be subject to SIJHSAA penalties.  No ticket refund will be granted in such cases.

ARTICLE  XXXIX:  Golf (Boys & Girls)

a. A state series competition shall be held for boys and girls in one class. 


a. Season Calendar - these dates will be routinely referenced throughout the Terms and Conditions as they pertain to SIJHSAA Golf:

Intent to Participate Filed with SIJHSAA   -   January 15

Late Deadline to Enter – March 1

List of Participants Due – April 1st

Regionals (Last week in April)

State Tournament - Second Tuesday in May / Second Wednesday in May Rain Date

b. State

1. The state tournament will be held at Rend Lake Golf Course in Ina at the date designated above.

2. The schedule for the state final and tee times will be decided based on the number of entered golfers.

3. If the state final is cancelled on Tuesday due to weather, all participants will return to play on the rain date.



a. All contestants shall be in grades 7 or 8  and meet SIJHSAA age requirements

b. Each school must have its current eligibility list available at all times.

c. Once entry sheets are received by the tournament manager, an individual golfer may be replaced by another from his/her schools eligibility list. However, the number of participating golfers shall not be increased.


a.        The State Individual Tournament will consist of a Boys and Girls Division.

b.       A school may enter up to 4 golfers per division by the April 1st & 2nd due date. 

 Section 5. FEES


1.       Schools pay a $30 entry fee to enter in the state tournament.

b.       State Tournament Fees

1.       Participants are responsible for fees for any practice round(s) ($25) they schedule including state final practice round(s).

2.       Participants shall be responsible to pay greens fees ($25) directly to the course the day of the finals. 

3.       Participants shall be responsible to pay any range fees ($4) directly to the course. 


A. Playing Rules and Competition Format

1. The state tournament will be conducted under the United States Golf Association’s Rules of Golf (USGA) and state series adoptions as noted in these Terms and Conditions. 

2. By authority of the SIJHSAA Constitution and By-Laws, the Board of Directors shall interpret and enforce the Terms and Conditions.

3. The state competition will consist of one 18-hole round played on a regulation 18hole golf course. 

4. Per USGA rules, a player must not start a round with more than 14 clubs. 

5. Traditional tee times will be used for the state competition.  All tee times will be nine (9) minutes apart. 

6. During the state tournament, competitors shall play the ball as it lies unless otherwise provided in the USGA’s Rules of Golf.

a. Preferred Lies: If conditions warrant it, preferred lies will be played.  The Games Committee will make this decision the day of the tournament.  

7. Pairing Procedure

a. State pairings will be based on scores that are submitted on the roster; threesomes will be used whenever possible.

8. Pace of Play

a. Rule 6-7 of the USGA Rules of Golf states, “The player shall play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines which may be laid down by the Games Committee. Between completion of a hole and playing from the next teeing ground, the player shall not unduly delay play.”

b. The SIJHSAA does not wish to apply penalties for undue delay; however, we insist that in the interest of all participants, the pace of play be reasonable.  It would be unreasonable for a group of three (3) competitors to take more than 15 minutes, on average, per hole (4 hours and 30 minutes for the round maximum) to play. 

c. A group will be subject to being timed (SBT) if at any point in the round the group is taking more than: ii. 13 minutes to complete a par 3 iii. 15 minutes to complete a par 4 and  iv. 17 minutes to complete a par 5

9. Subject to Being Timed

a. Any following group will be subject to being timed if it falls one hole behind and is behind time-par.  Time par is the cumulative total time taken it should take to complete a hole, or any number of holes. 

b. For example, a group starting on a par-4 hole at 8:00 should complete that hole by 8:15.  If that group finishes at 8:13, they are ahead of time par, but if they finish at 8:16, they are subject to being timed.

               10. Double Par Rule will be in effect

11. The coach will be allowed to coach anywhere on the course except the putting green. 

a. Coaches must wait until the last player on the green putts out before communication takes place on the next hole and must not delay teeing off on the next hole.

12. Caddies

a. Per USGA Rules, a player is prohibited from using a caddie during the state series.

                b. Coaches, spectators, and parents may not carry golf bags for participants at any time. 

13. Electronic Devices

               a. Range Finders (distance measuring only) are allowed. 

                b. Players can't use a cell phone during the round 

   c. These devices cannot be used for coaching or personal music systems. 

   d. Coaches/administrators may use cell phones.

e.  Any participant found using the device during their stipulated round could be disqualified.

14. Carts

a. Participants may not use motorized golf carts or motorized pull carts during the state series. i. A written request for an accommodation for a student-athlete to use a motorized golf cart must be submitted to the SIJHSAA by the student's principal by the roster deadline.   ii. Golf carts are not to interfere with play and must adhere to tournament policies. iii. If approved, the player shall ride with the observer and not drive the cart.  b. Participants may use manual pull carts.  c. Spectators may purchase carts on a first come first serve basis at the state tournament.  Spectators with a permanent and official disabled parking placard/sticker may rent a cart at the state tournaments.  Those approved for a cart must stay on cart paths and designated areas and not give competitors any assistance.   i. Letters from doctors or visible injury will not warrant a golf cart without the presentation of an official placard at the state tournament. 


B. Check-In, Tournament Tags and Dress Code 1. The state final registration packet must be picked up upon arrival to the state competition. 2. Coaches will be responsible for all information that is included in the packet.  3. Inside of the packet, individuals will find the participant bag tag and/or the coach tag and any pertinent tournament information.    a. One (1) bag tag will be issued to each golfer and this must be attached to the golf bag at all times. b. Coach tags for state are only provided to the coaches listed on the roster and must be able to be seen at all times on the coach's person. c. It is the responsibility of the golfer(s) and the coach(es) to have the tag distributed to him/her visible at all times and worn as outlined above. 4. Competitor and Coach Dress Code a. For the entire state series, appropriate golf attire should be worn.   b. Tank tops, short shorts or cutoff shorts are not appropriate. 


C. Ethics of Competition and Sportsmanship

1. The Player Code of Conduct is as follows:

a. It is the responsibility of all coaches of participating schools and SIJHSAA administrative officials to monitor player conduct.  Any coach or SIJHSAA administrative official who personally observes a Code of Conduct violation may invoke a Code of Conduct penalty.  The individual reporting the violation will give notice to the offending player, assess the Code of Conduct penalty and follow up with a written report of the incident to the Games Committee.  The Games Committee will notify the player's coach of the penalty. 

i. For willful acts of defacing the golf course, club throwing or breaking, or abusive language, a player will be assessed a 2-stroke penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

ii. For a second occurrence of unsportsmanlike conduct in the same day, the player will be disqualified and ejected for the day.  Additionally, the head coach must submit a “Special Report” to the SIJHSAA.

iii. For a third occurrence of unsportsmanlike conduct any time during the tournament day(s) or a single act of gross misconduct, a disqualification from the contest will result and in accordance with SIJHSAA By-Laws, the competitor will be ineligible for the next interscholastic contest at that level

  2. The Spectator Code of Conduct is as follows:

a. Spectators shall remain on cart paths or in the rough 15 yards from the competitors at all times including the practice areas which include the driving range, putting green and chipping area.

b. There can be NO communication between the competitors and spectators that could be deemed advice of any nature for the duration of the 18 holes.

c. All school personnel and fans with the exception of the school-designated coach(es) are considered spectators.

d. The use of tobacco or mood altering substances on the course or within the tournament property is prohibited during the school competition.

e. Uninvited interference with the Games Committee before, during or after making a ruling is prohibited. 

f. Spectator carts will be $25 on a first come first serve bases.

g. Cell phones shall be silenced.

h. Failure to adhere to the Spectator Code of Conduct will result in the following penalties:

i. The first offense will result in a warning to the spectator.

ii. The second offense will result in the spectator being removed from the course for the remainder of the day.

               iii. A single flagrant gross act of misconduct or a serious breach of etiquette before, during or after a round.  The spectator will be removed from the course for the remainder of the competition.

iv. Penalties become immediate and are in effect for the entire state series.

j. In addition to the Spectator Code of Conduct, the following expectations are in place: i. Galleries will be encouraged and permitted; however, all spectators must remain 15 yards from the competitors.  ii. Spectators and competitors must also understand that competitors may be penalized when spectators violate USGA or SIJHSAA rules.  iii. Spectators should be respectful of competitors who may be on the course. 

3. Spectator Coaching a. All school personnel and fans with the exception of the school designated coach(es) are considered spectators.  There can be no communication between the players and spectators that could be deemed advice of any nature for the duration of the 18 holes. 

i. The first offense of spectator coaching is a warning to the spectator. 

ii. The second offense of spectator coaching is a 2‐stroke penalty to the golfer.

iii. The third offense of spectator coaching will result in disqualification of the golfer.  

D. Rules Officials

1. At the state finals, the SIJHSAA office will appoint rules officials for the boys and girls tournaments. 

2. A Games Committee shall be made up of representatives of the SIJHSAA and the host course (preferably the golf pro from the course should be one of the Games Committee members) at the state tournament. 

E. Observers

1.   Observers will assist the Games Committee in deciding questions of fact and to report to the Games Committee any breach of a playing rule. 



F. Conditions of Competition

1. The SIJHSAA requires that every effort be made to complete the tournament on the scheduled day. If the Games Committee determines that the course is not in a playable condition, or there are circumstances that render the proper playing of the game impossible, the Committee may recommend to the tournament director to temporarily suspend or cancel play.  

2. Play can be suspended when it does not impact the equity of the tournament.

            a. When play is suspended for a dangerous situation, one long prolonged siren will be sounded.  

b. If the competitors in a match or a group are between the play of two holes, they shall not resume play until the Games Committee has ordered a resumption of play.  

c. If they are in the process of playing a hole, they shall discontinue play immediately and shall not thereafter resume play until the Games Committee has ordered resumption of play.   a. All practice areas (putting green, practice range, etc.) shall be closed during the suspension for a dangerous situation until the Games Committee has declared them open for use.

3. In the event that unplayable conditions become playable again, the Games Committee shall recommend to the tournament director to resume/begin play. 

G. Appropriate golf attire is required for the state tournament and practice rounds.

Section 7. AWARDS

State Finals

1. Medals will be awarded to the top fifteen  (15) golfers in the boys' division and the top fifteen (15) golfers in the girls' division who have the lowest score through the round.  Boys and Girls individual winner will be awarded an additional first place award.

Ties 1. For purposes of awarding first (1st) place shall be broken by a sudden death playoff.  All competitors tied for 1st place will compete in a hole-by-hole playoff until all but one player is eliminated.

2. Ties other than 1st will be broken by a scorecard playoff starting on the first hole of play.

SIJHSAA(Southern Illinois Junior high School Athletic Association

Greg Hale, Director
3887 Pick Road
Pinckneyville, IL  62274
618-318-2985 (Office)
618-357-2987 (Fax)
618-318-2091 (Cell)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (E-Mail)


IESA Steve  Ensley 309-829-0114 Illinois Elementary School Association
National  Federation 317-972-6900 Rule Books


Class  M

Alan Engelhardt, Pinckneyville High School 618-357-5013  / aengelhardtThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Class  L

Centralia Rec. Dept.  618-322-4906 or 618-532-3214 /

Class  S

Sarah Maynard, Coulterville Unit School 618-758-2881 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Class L & S
Jeremy Cornett, DuQuoin Middle School, Du Quoin 618-542-2646 x1151 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rend Lake College 618-437-5321  Ext 1250  



Class S Stephanie Allan, Herrin High School
Class M Jason Finke, Nashville Middle School  618-327-3055  ext. 215 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Class L Katie Shaneyfelt, Pinckneyville High School 618-357-5013 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Reggie Norman, Benton Jr. High School  618-923-2453 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Individual Girls and Boys State Tournament hosted at Rend Lake Golf Course, Ina, IL



Class L

Brett Diel, Carterville Intermediate School  618-559-8381 / bdielThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Class S

Jeremy Cornett, DuQuoin MIddle School



Tracy Lauderdale, Carrel Jr. High of O'Fallon  618-622-2932 618-920-9963 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.