Sportsmanship (updated 3/28/23)

As Director of the SIJHSAA I would like to remind all players, coaches, administrators, and fans of appropriate sportsmanship at our SIJHSAA Events.

Section 3. Any fan ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible:

a. First Offense: Any(fan) ejected from a SIJHSAA contest shall not be permitted to attend the next three(3) interscholastic contests at that level (jv-7th/varsity-8th) of competition, at the school that they are representing, or any other SIJHSAA interscholastic contests at any level in the interim.  In addition the fan must complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course online.  Receipt of course completion must be acknowledged by the SIJHSAA office prior to the fan regaining contest attendance. Additional penalties may be assessed by the school and/or the SIJHSAA. (example:  A fan is ejected from a game by an official or school administrator.  The school you are there with is Bloomington 8th grade girls.  The ejected fan may not attend the next 3(three)Bloomington 8th grade girls games - and in addition may not attend any SIJHSAA events in the interim of the suspension)

b. Second Offense:. For the remainder of the school year for all SIJHSAA Contests.

Section 4. Any player ejected from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be ineligible:

a.  First Offense:  Any (player) ejected from a SIJHSAA contest shall not be permitted to participate in the next two(2) interscholastic contest at the level (JV/Varsity) of competition, or any other SIJHSAA interscholastic contests at any level in the interim.  During a suspension a player may attend contests and travel with the team to and from contests from which sport they are suspended.  The player may sit on the bench in street clothes (not in uniform) while in attendance. In addition the player must complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course online.  Receipt of course completion must be acknowledged by the SIJHSAA offrice prior to the player regaining eligibility.   Additional penalties may be assessed by the school and/or the SIJHSAA.

b.  Second Offense:. For the next four(4) interscholastic contests at the level at which the ejection occurred (and all other interscholastic contests at any level in the interim). 

**Note that ejection penalties carryover from sport to sport for the entire school year. 

Section 5. Any player, coach, or fan that is ejected by an official for unsportsmanlike conduct during a 6th grade game that is held in conjunction with a 7th or 8th grade game - will not be permitted to participate the remainder of the night (player) and a (fan or coach) who is ejected will need to leave the facility the remainder of the event.

Section 6. In the event of an ejection of a player, coach, or fan due to unsportsmanlike conduct, the host school Athletic Director or Principal shall be required to send a written report of the incident to the SIJHSAA Director. This report shall be received by the SIJHSAA Director no later than noon the day following the ejection.  Unsportsmanlike Conduct Ejection Forms may be found on the SIJHSAA Website ( under the Administrative Section - Forms and Documents.

By Law - Article IV: Contests - Section 6: During all Regional and State contests the SIJHSAA prohibits the use of all types of noise-makers, confetti, radios, shakers, rally towels, thunder sticks, camera lights, laser lights, and also tripods in the stands.  Signs must be no larger than a legal sized sheet of paper.(8 1/2 X 14)  Body painting materials shall not be administered at games or containers brought on game sites.  Body paint may be worn on arms and the face.  Appropriate shirts must be worn to all events.  Bands are limited to the National Anthem.  They are not used to give a home game atmosphere nor to create noise or to rally the fans.

SIJHSAA Director - Greg Hale